
May 2020 Draft Snapshot

This is a draft snapshot of this hook definition provided to support a stable published version for testing. The Hook Maturity Model defines the process for proposing new hooks on the CDS Hooks Repository and the CDS Hooks Community Build Site.

Metadata Value
specificationVersion 1.0
hookVersion 1.0
hookMaturity 1 - Submitted
standardsStatus draft
publicationStatus snapshot


This hook is invoked when the user is initiating a new encounter. In an inpatient setting, this would be the time of admission. In an outpatient/community environment, this would be the time of patient-check-in for a face-to-face or equivalent for a virtual/telephone encounter. The Encounter should either be in one of the following states: planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress. Note that there can be multiple 'starts' for the same encounter as each user becomes engaged. For example, when a scheduled encounter is presented at the beginning of the day for planning purposes, when the patient arrives, when the patient first encounters a clinician, etc. Hooks may present different information depending on user role and Encounter.status.

Note: This is distinct from the patient-view hook which occurs any time the patient's record is looked at - which might be done outside the context of any encounter and will often occur during workflows that are not linked to the initiation of an encounter.

The intention is that the cards from any invoked CDS Services are available at the time when decisions are being made about what actions are going to occur during this encounter. For example, identifying that the patient is due for certain diagnostic tests or interventions, identifying additional information that should be collected to comply with protocols associated with clinical studies the patient is enrolled in, identifying any documentation or other requirements associated with patient insurance, etc.


Field Optionality Prefetch Token Type Description
userId REQUIRED Yes string The id of the current user.
For this hook, the user is expected to be of type Practitioner or PractitionerRole.
For example, Practitioner/123
patientId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Patient.id of the Patient the Encounter is for
encounterId REQUIRED Yes string The FHIR Encounter.id of the Encounter being started


  "userId" : "PractitionerRole/A2340113",
  "patientId" : "1288992",
  "encounterId" : "456"

Change Log

Version Description
1.0 Initial Release